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Always in love with image and narration, after completing high school, I graduated in Literature at Pisa University, with a degree in Semiotics of Cinema.
The next year I went through the selections for the National Film School, where, in 2004, I graduated in animated films.
In later months I worked in Turin as storyboard artist in a company that produces television shows for RAI, the national italian tv channel.
In 2005 I moved to England. First in Bristol, where I have had a stop motion work experience at Bolex Brothers studio with Dave Borthwick, then in London, where I started to work as animator and art maker at Model Robot company.
In 2007 I came back to Italy, working, for a few years, as director and animator on TV series and short animated films. In the same year I've been selected by Aardman for their annual Best Talent Show, some of my artworks were put on display at their studio in Bristol.
In 2010 I attended an illustration workshop with Pablo Auladell at the Academy of Fine Arts in Macerata. In the same years I started to work even as puppet maker for shows and theater artists.
In 2012 two important collaborations were born. One with the Royal Palace of Venaria to realize, as director and animator, animated short movies. And the other with Littlebull from Armando Testa Group, where I deal with animation, visual effects and compositing.
Since 2015 I regularly attend photographic workshops with photojournalist Iago Corazza.

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